List of selected publications (since 1988)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Voelter, Abteilung für Physikalische Biochemie, Universität Tübingen

1988      1989      1990      1991      1992      1993      1994      1995      1996      1997


1. H.Echner und W.Voelter, Neue chromogene Substrate zur Bestimmung von Serinproteasen, Chemiker-Ztg. 112 177 (1988).

2. W.Kowollik und W.Voelter, Effiziente Synthese 4-substituierter 2,3-Anhydrozucker aus 2,4-Di-0-tosylaten, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1988 , 433-435.

3. W.Kowollik, G.Janairo und W.Voelter, Zucker-Aminosäuren und - Peptide durch Triflatsubstitution, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1988 427-431.

4. E.Hannappel, H.Kalbacher and W.Voelter, Thymosin b 4Xen. A New Thymosin b 4-Like Peptide in Oocytes of Xenopus laevis, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 260 546 (1988).

5. U.Fuchs, H.Seeger, W.Voelter and T.H.Lippert, Immunoreactive Relaxin in Human Cervico-Vaginal Secretion, Arch.Gynecol.Obstet. 243 , 37-39 (1988).

6. H.Seeger, M.Zwirner, W.Voelter and T.H.Lippert, Relaxin and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Concentrations in Blood Serum during the First Trimester of Normal and Pathological Pregnancy, Gynecol. Obstet. Invest. 25 , 209-212 (1988).

7. W.Kowollik, G.Janairo and W.Voelter, Synthesis of Sugar Amino Acids by Triflate Substitution. 2. Free 3-and 4-Amino Acid Deoxy-aldopyranoses, J.Org.Chem. 53 , 3943-3947 (1988).

8. H.Echner und W.Voelter, Eine neue Synthese von Thymosin a Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1988 , 1095-1097.

9. M.S.Shekhani, F.Latif, A.Fatima, A.Malik and W.Voelter, Synthesis of 3,4-Dideoxy-3,4-C-cyanomethylene Pyranosides: A New Class of Cyclopropanated Sugars, J.Chem.Soc.Chem.Commun. 1988 1419-1420.

9.a) H.Kalbacher, E.Hannappel, M.Mihelic and W.Voelter, High Yield Isolation Method of Natural Thymus Peptides, their Syntheses and Biological Activities, in Proceedings of the 2nd Akabori Conference, p.80-87 , Protein Research Foundation, Minoh-shi Osaka, Japan (1988).

9.b) H.Quast, W.Voelter and H.Bauer, Viscosimetric Studies on a Glycoprotein from Gastrointestinal Mucus, in Z.H.Zaidi (Ed.): Protein Structure-Function Relationship, p. 27-37, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam (1988).


10. W.Voelter and E.Jungfleisch-Turgut, Strategies of Peptide Syn-theses with the Acid Labile t-Bumeoc Protecting Group, in E. Wünsch (Ed.): 3rd Akabori Conference, p.19, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried (1989).

11. E.Jungfleisch, H.Kalbacher, W.Voelter and C.Tzougraki, Syn-thesis of a Somatostatin Analogue with the Acid Labile t-Bumeoc Amino Protecting Group, in G.Jung and E.Bayer (Eds): Peptides 1988 , p. 73-75, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1989).

12. A.Kapurniotu, P.Link, and W.Voelter, Solution Synthesis of Thymosin b in G.Jung and E.Bayer (Eds): Peptides 1988, p.97-99, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1989).

13. H.Echner and W.Voelter, Comparison of four Approaches to the Solid Phase Synthesis of the Magainins, Some of its Segments and Analogues, in G.Jung and E.Bayer (Eds): Peptides 1988, p.181-183, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1989).

14. M.Mihelic, E.Hannappel, H.Kalbacher and W.Voelter, Generation of Specific Antibodies against Thymosin b 4-Like Peptides by Immunization with N-Terminal Fragments, in G.Jung and E.Bayer (Eds): Peptides 1988, p. 739-741, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1989).

15. M.Mihelic, H.Kalbacher, E.Hannappel and W.Voelter, MicroELISA Method for the Determination of Thymosin b 9 Discriminating between Thymosin b and the Structurally Closely Related Thymosin b J.Immunol.Methods 122 , 7-13 (1989).

16. A.Buchele, U.Scholz, A.Müller-Wellensiek und W.Voelter, Meta-bolisierungsstudien von 5-Ethyl-2'-desoxuridin mit Leberextrakt, Leberzellen und Leberzellkulturen, Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug.Res. 39 , 220 (1989).

17. G.Schieferstein, W.Voelter, H.Seeger and T.H.Lippert, Immunoreactive Relaxin in Seminal Plasma of Man, Int.J.Fertil 34 , 215-218 (1989).

18. H.Bauer, J.Brun, A.R.Hernanto und W.Voelter, Circulardichroismusuntersuchngen von Polyalkohol- und Zucker-Vanadat (V)-Kom-plexen, Z.Naturforsch. 44b , 1464 (1989).

19. D.Handschuh und W.Voelter, Synthese der 6-Methylencarbonsäure-Derivate von Testosteron und Progesteron, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1989 , 1007-1016.

20. A.A.Denopoulos, L.D.Lapatsanis, S.M.Paraskewas, W.Voelter and A.Malik, Syntheses and Spectral Studies of Some New Complexes of Gold and Palladium with Organic Ligands, Chemiker-Ztg. 113 (1989).

21. A.Malik and W.Voelter, New Synthetic Routes to Amino Sugars and Sugar Amino Acids, Chemiker-Ztg. 113 (1989).

22. W.Voelter, E.Hannappel, H.Kalbacher and R.Mertz, Isolation and Solid Phase Synthesis of Thymosin b in W.A.König and W.Voelter (Eds): Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins, Vol. 4, p.69, Attempto-Verlag, Tübingen (1989).

23.a) M.S.Shekhani and W.Voelter, Application of Carbohydrate Triflates: A New Entry into Annulated Sugars, Chemiker-Ztg. 113 , 1-3 (1989).

23.b) W.A.König and W.Voelter, Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins, Vol.4, Attempto Verlag, Tübingen (1989)


24. W.Voelter, H.Echner, H.Kalbacher, A.Kapurniotu and P.Link, Comparison of Solution with Solid Phase Synthesis of Thymosin b 4, in J.E.Rivier and G.R.Marshall (Eds): Peptides, p.1057-1058, ESCOM, Leiden (1990).

25. M.S.Shekhani, G.Grübler, H.Echner and W.Voelter, Carboxamidomethyl Ester as Useful Handle in Polystyrene-Based Peptide Synthesis: Cleavage of Peptide with Mercaptide, Tetrahedron Letters 31 , 339-340 (1990).

26. E.Nawrocka-Bolewska, I.Z.Siemion, M.Mihelic and W.Voelter, Synthesis and Biological Activities of New Analogues of Thymo-poietin II (32-36), Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1990 , 245-247.

27. H.Kalbacher, M.Jahan, M.Mihelic, F.Zaman and W.Voelter, Solution Synthesis of a Biologically Active Fragment (33-41) of Thymosin b Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1990 , 249-252.

28. F.Latif, M.S.Shekhani and W.Voelter, Convenient Synthesis of Mono- and Cyclic Sulphates of Carbohydrates via Triflate Dis-placement, J.Chem.Soc. Perkin Trans. 1, 1990 , 1573-1575.

29. G.Grübler, W.Voelter, H.Henke und H.Mayer, Der Strukturbeleg für Dequalinium, Pharm.Ind. 52 79 (1990).

30. G.Grübler, F.Gutjahr, H.Echner, W.Voelter and H.Bauer, High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Investigations on the Cleavage Kinetics of Side-Chain Protected Arginine Dervatives with a Sophisticated Post-Column Reaction Detector, J.Chromatography 512 249-254 (199O).

31. A.Malik, H.Bauer, J.Tschakert and W.Voelter, Solid Phase Syntheses of Carbohydrates, Chemiker-Ztg. 114 (1990).

32. M.Mihelic, W.Giebel, N.-R.Wei, E.Hannappel, H.Kalbacher and W. Voelter, Immunohistochemical Localization of Thymosin b 9 in Bovine Tissues, Histochemistry 95 , 175-178 (1990).

33. I.Z.Siemion, G.Folkers, Z.Szewczuk, A.Jankowski, A.Kubik and W.Voelter, Peptides Related to the Active Fragment of "Proline Rich Polypeptide", an Immunoregulatory Protein of the Ovine Colostrum, Int.J.Peptide Protein Res. 36 , 506-514 (1990).

34. W.Voelter, G.Grübler, F.Gutjahr and H.Echner, A HPLC System for Use in the Development of New Arginine Protecting Groups, Chromatographia 30 , 719 (1990).

35. J.Shao, Y.-H.Li and W.Voelter, Acid-Labile Anchoring Linkages for Solid Phase Synthesis of C-Terminal Asparagine Peptides Using the Fmoc Strategy, Int.J.Peptide Protein Res. 36 (1990).

36. W.Voelter, E.Livaniou, and M.Mihelic, Development of Specific Immunoassays for Thymosins, in H.Tschesche (Ed.): Modern Methods in Protein and Nucleic Acid Research, p.251-269, Walter de Gryter, Berlin, New York (1990).

37. J.Zarbock, H.Oschkinat, E.Hannappel, H.Kalbacher, W.Voelter and T.A.Holak, Solution Conformation of Thymosin b A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Simulated Annealing Study, Biochemistry 29 , 7814-7821 (1990).

38. C.Grillon, K.Rieger, J.Bakala, D.Schott, J.-L.Morgat, E. Hannappel, W.Voelter and M.Lenfant, Involvement of Thymosin b 4 and Endoproteinase Asp-N in the Biosynthesis of the Tetrapeptide AcSerAspLysPro a Regulator of the Hematopoietic System, FEBS Letters 274 (1990).

39. A.Fatima, F.Zaman, M.S.Shekhani, A.Malik and W.Voelter, Synthesis of Cyclopropanated and Branched-Chain Pyranosides via Carbohydrate Triflates, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1990 , 389-392.

40. A.A.Haritos and W.Voelter, Biological and Clinical Evaluation of Thymosins, in: Bilateral Cooperation in Biotechnology, International Bureau, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany 90 , 1-4, (1990).

41. W.Voelter, H.Kalbacher, H.Echner, B.Schmid, U.Treffer and C.Schröder, Synthese der vorgeschlagenen Sequenz für ein neues Thymosin aus Forellenmilz, Z.Naturforsch. 45b (1990).

42. W.Voelter, H.Kalbacher, Untersuchungen mit selektiven Abspaltungsreagenzien für Adpoc-geschützte Aminosäuren und Peptide, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1990 , 131-136.

43. W.Voelter, M.Mihelic and E., b -Thymosin Fragments, Their Biological Activity and Use for the Development of Specific Antibodies, in Z.H.Zaidi, A.Abbasi and D.L.Smith (Eds): Protein Structure-Function, p. 183-197, TWEL Publishers, Karachi, London, New York (1990).


44. N.Sattar, M.Mihelic, M.S.Shekhani, M.Hartleb, K.Folkers and W.Voelter, A Modified E-Rosette Assay as a Semi-Empirical Tool in Search of New T Lymphocyte Stimulants, Immunol. Letters 27 221-224 (1991).

45. J.Shao, M.S.Shekhani, S.Krauss, G.Grübler and W.Voelter, A Test-Case for the 1-(1-Adamantyl-)-1-Methylethoxycarbonyl (Adpoc) Group: Solid-Phase Synthesis of LH-RH Using N a -Adpoc Protection and an Acid Labile Handle, Tetrahedron Letters 32 (1991).

46. H.Kalbacher and W.Voelter, Acid Labile Protection of Histidine and Arginine in SPPS Using Adpoc Derivatives, in E.Giralt and D. Andreu (Eds): Peptides 1990, p.31-33, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1991).

47. W.Voelter, H.Kalbacher, H.Echner, B.Schmid, C.Schröder and U. Treffer, Isolation of a New Thymosin from Trout Spleen and the Automatic Solid Phase Synthesis of its Proposed Sequence, in E. Giralt and D.Andreu (Eds): Peptides 1990, p.210-211, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1991).

48. E.Livaniou, M.Mihelic, and W.Voelter, Development of Specific Antibodies for Thymosin b in E.Giralt and D.Andreu (Eds): Peptides 1990, p.826-827, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1991).

49. A.Kapurniotu und W.Voelter, Klassische Synthese des Fragments (11-19) von Thymosin b Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1991 , 1251-1257.

50. F.Zaman, A.Fatima und W.Voelter, Synthese von disubstituierten Cyclopropa-[c]-pyranosiden aus 2,3-Epoxy-4-triflat-pyranosiden, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1991 , 1101-1104.

51. A.Fatima, F.Zaman, A.Malik, M.S.Shekhani and W.Voelter, Efficient One-Pot Approach to Sugar Phosphates of Potential Biochemical Interest, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1991 , 1147-1149.

52. A.Fatima, F.Zaman und W.Voelter, Synthese von Cyclopropanphosphonatpyranosiden, Z.Naturforsch. 46b , 1227 (1991).

53. S.Bongers-Binder, A.Burgardt, H.Seeger, W.Voelter and T.H.Lippert, Distribution of Immunoreactive Relaxin in the Genital Tract and in the Mammary Gland of Non-Pregnant Women, Clin.Exp. Obst.Gyn. 18 , 161-164 (1991).

54. J.Hampl, G.Gradehandt, D.Plachov, H.-G.Gattner, H.Kalbacher, W.Voelter, M.Meyer-Delius and E.Rüde, Presentation of Insulin and Isulin A Chain Peptides to Mouse T. Cells: Involvement of Cysteine Residues, Molecular Immunol. 28 , 479-487 (1991).

55. W.Voelter and A.Kapurniotu, Strategies for the Total Syntheses of Thymosins, in Atta-ur-Rahman (Ed.): Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 8, p.433-461 (1991).

56. J.Shao, S.Krauss, M.S.Shekhani and W.Voelter, A Test-Case for the 1-(1-Adamantyl-)-1-methylethoxycarbonyl (Adpoc) Group: Solid Phase Synthesis of LHRH Using the Adpoc Strategy with an Acid-Labile Amide Linkage, in E.Giralt and D. Andreu (Eds): Peptides 1990, p.29-30, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1991).

56.a)Z.Wieczorek, W.Voelter, E.Nawrocka-Bolewska, M.Zimecki and I.Z.Siemion, The Unusually High Immunomodulatory Activity of Thymopentin Analogue Pro 5 -TP-5, Molecular Immunology 28 95-98 (1991).

56.b)W.Voelter, A.Malik, F.L.Ansari and J.Tschakert, Circular Dichroism of Carbohydrate-Metal Complexes, in H.Klein and G.Snatzke (Eds.); 4th Int.Conference on CD, p.212-224,Bochum University (1991).


57. A.Kapurniotu und W.Voelter, Klassische Synthese des Fragments [20-30] von Thymosin b Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1992 , 361-370.

58. O.E.Tsitsiloni, P.P.Yialouris, H.Echner, W.Voelter and A.A. Haritos, Evidence for the Extranuclear Localization of Thymosins in Thymus, Experientia 48 , 398-402 (1992).

59. W.Kowollik und W.Voelter, Synthese und NMR-spektroskopische Eigenschaften von Benzyl-2,3-anhydro-4-desoxy-4-[N]-pyridinium-pyranosiden, Z.Naturforsch. 47b , 589-590 (1992).

60. S.Hörger, B.Gallert, H.Echner und W.Voelter, Synthese eines Thymosin b 10-Fragments zur Entwicklung spezifischer Antikörper, Z.Naturforsch. 47b 1170-1174 (1992).

61. H.Echner and W.Voelter, 9-Phenylxanthen-9-yl-(Pixyl): A New Thiol Protecting Group and its Use in Solid Phase Peptide Chemistry, in R. Epton (Ed.): Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis, Peptides, Polypeptides and Oligonucleotides, p.371-375, Intercept Limited, Andover (1992).

62. E.Livaniou, M.Mihelic, G.P.Evangelatos, A.A.Haritos and W. Voelter, A Thymosin b ELISA Using an Antibody against the N-Terminal Fragment of Thymosin b (1-14), J.Immunol.Methods 148 , 9-14 (1992).

63. P.P.Yialouris, B.Coles, O.Tsitsiloni, B.Schmid, S.Howell, A.Aitken, W.Voelter and A.A.Haritos, The Complete Sequences of Trout (Salmo gairdneri) Thymosin b 11 and its Homologue Thymosin b Biochem.J. 283 , 385-389 (1992).

64. G.Grübler, H.Mayer und W.Voelter, Kapillarzonen-Elektrophorese (CZE) zur Qualitätskontrolle pharmazeutischer Präparate, Vergleich von CZE mit HPLC, Bioforum 3 , 50-51 (1992).

65. G.Grübler, H.Echner, W.Voelter, G.Folkers, M. Krug and I.Z.Siemion, The Conformation of Thymopentin in Water. Discrimination between Two Possible g -Turns by a Simple 13C NMR Procedure, Polish J.Chem. 66 , 1269-1276 (1992).

66. J.Freund, A.Kapurniotu, T.A.Holak, M.Lenfant and W.Voelter, Synthesis and Two-Dimensional 1H and 13C NMR Investigations of an Inhibitor of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Proliferation Ac-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro-OH, Z.Naturforsch. 47b , 1324-1332 (1992).

67. M.Mihelic, E.Livaniou, S.Hörger, M.Galic, W.Giebel, M.Lenfant and W.Voelter, Antibodies Against Thymosin b - Their Specificity and Use in Immunohistochemical Studies, in R.J.Wegmann and M.A. Wegmann (Eds): Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Vol. 1, Thymic Immune Regulations, Autoantibodies, Lymphomas, Infectious Diseases, Tumors, p.43-49, Peeters Press, Leuven (1992).

68. W.Voelter, G.Breipohl, C.Tzougraki and E.Jungfleisch-Turgut, Solid Phase Synthesis of a Somatostatin Amide Analogue Using Acid Labile t-Bumeoc Protection and an Acid Labile Anchor Group, Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun. 57 , 1707-1718 (1992).

69. E.Yildiz, G.Grübler, S.Hörger, H.Zimmermann, H.Echner, S.Stoeva and W.Voelter, Application of Capillary Electrophoresis in Peptide Research, Electrophoresis 13 (1992).

70. W.Voelter, F.P.Armbruster, A.Kapurniotu, E.Livaniuo, M.Michelic and C.Perrei, Theoretical and Experimental Epitope Mapping of Thymosin b in J.A.Smith and J.E.Rivier (Eds): Peptides, p.895-896, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1992).

71. W.Voelter, T.H.Al-Tel, Y.Al-Abed and M.S.Shekhani, Approaches to Stereo- and Regioselective Annulation of Sugars, in H.M.Said (Ed.): Essays on Science, p.275-282, Hamdard Foundation Pakistan, Karachi (1992).

71.a) W.Voelter, M.Mihelic and A.Kapurniotu, New Aspects of b -Thymosins, in N.Yanaihara (Ed.): Proceedings of the 4th Akabori Conference, p.185-190, Protein Research Foundation, Osáka (1992).

72.a) E.Livaniou, A.Roboti, M.Mihelic, G.Evangelatos, W.Voelter and D.Ithakissios, Development of Immunoassays for Thymosin b 4 in Proceedings of the 6th Greek Pharmaceutical Congress, p.105-110, Athens, Greece (1992).

72.b) E.Livaniou, A.Roboti, M.Mihelic, G.Evangelatos, W.Voelter and D.Ithakissios, Development of an ELISA for Determining Thymosin b 4 in Proceedings of the 3rd Congress on Chemistry in Greece and Cyprus, p.228-232, Nicosia, Cyprus (1992).

72.c) A.Roboti, E.Livaniou, A.Kapurniotu, W.Voelter, G.Evangelatos and D.Ithakissios, Immunoreactivity of Derivatives of the Biologically Active Peptide AcSDKP, in Proceedings of the 6th Greek Pharmaceutical Congress, p.117-121, Athens, Greece (1992).

72.d)A.Kapurniotu, C.Ungermann and W.Voelter, Optimized SPPS of the New Stem Cell Proliferation Inhibiting Factor Ac-SDKP and Derivatives, in R.Epton (Ed.): Innovations and Perspectives in Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis, p.208-212, Intercepts, Andover (1992).


72. E.Jungfleisch-Turgut, C.Tzougraki and W.Voelter, Comparison of Solution Syntheses of a Somatostatin Analogue Using t-Bumeoc and Fmoc N a -Protection, in C.H.Schneider and A.N. Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.189-190, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

73. B.Gallert, J.Zarbock, W.Voelter and T.A.Holak, A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Simulated Annealing Study of Thymosin b 9 in Solution, in C.H.Schneider and A.N. Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.517-518, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

74. C.Somlai, P.Hegyes, L.Nyerges, B.Penke and W.Voelter, Design and Synthesis of 3,9-Substituted Xanthene Derivatives: Application for Solid-Phase Synthesis, in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.198-199, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

75. H.Echner and W.Voelter, Protection of the Carboxamide Functions of Asparagine and Glutamine by the 9-Phenylxanthen-9-yl Group and its Application in Solid Phase Peptide Chemistry, in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.285-287, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

76. S.Stoeva, G.Grübler, W.Rönspeck, H.Echner and W.Voelter, Optimized Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis of a 41 AA Residue Peptide Sequence of gp 41 Envelope Glycoprotein with Significant High Sensitivity against HIV-1 Antibody Positive Sera, in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.856-857, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

77. G.Grübler, H.Echner, W.Voelter and S.Stoeva, Application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry in Peptide Sequencing and Synthesis, in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.445-446, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

78. M.Mihelic and W.Voelter, Immunohistochemical Localization of Thymosin b with Antibodies Raised from a Synthetic Fragment with High Antigenicity, in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.905-906, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

79. H.Echner and W.Voelter, Synthesis and Application of a New Xanthyl-Type Handle for the Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis of Peptide Amides, in N.Yanaihara (Ed.): Peptide Chemistry 1992, p.113-115, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

80. G.Grübler, E.Yildiz, H.Zimmermann, M.Mihelic, H.Echner, S. Stoeva, S.Spyropoulos and W.Voelter, Capillary Electrophoresis, an Attractive Analytical Tool in the Laboratories of Peptide Chemists, in N.Yanaihara (Ed.): Peptide Chemistry 1992, p.208-211, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

81. S.Stoeva, G.Grübler, H.Echner and W.Voelter, Characterization of Complex Peptide/Protein Mixtures by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry, in N.Yanaihara (Ed.): Peptide Chemistry 1992, p.615-617, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

82. S.Stoeva, G.Grübler, W.Rönspeck, H.Echner and W.Voelter, gp41 Envelope Glycoprotein Partial Sequence with High Sensitivity against HIV-1 Antibody Positve Sera, in N.Yanaihara (Ed.): Peptide Chemistry 1992, p.668-670, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

83. W.Voelter, The Biological Relevance of Thymosins in the Animal Kingdom, in N.Yanaihara (Ed.): Peptide Chemistry 1992, p.632-636, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

84. A.Kapurniotu, P.Link and W.Voelter, Total Synthesis of Thymosin b by Fragment Condensation, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1993 , 1161-1167.

85. M.Czisch, M.Schleicher, S.Hörger, W.Voelter and T.A.Holak, Conformation of Thymosin b in Water Determined by NMR Spectroscopy, Eur.J.Biochem. 218 (1993).

86. G.Ruhenstroth-Bauer, S.Vogl, W.Voelter, M.Goldberg and E.Topic, Ac-Ser-Asp-Lys, A Strong Inhibitor of Liver Cell Proliferation, Naturwiss. 80 , 314-315 (1993).

87. Y.Wang, H.Zhang and W.Voelter, Synthesis of the Nephritogenoside Trisaccharide Unit Using Phenyl 1-Thioglycopyranoside Sulfoxides as a Glycosyl Donor, Z. Naturforsch. 48b , 1143-1145 (1993).

88. P.Link und W.Voelter, Totalsynthese von Thymosin b 3. Klassische Synthese des Fragments [31-43] von Thymosin b Z. Naturforsch. 48b , 1000-1008 (1993).

89. W.Voelter, G.Grübler, H.Straubinger, T.H.Al-Tel, A.Tippelt, M. Geiger and W.Reinig, Optimization of Solid Phase Oligonucleotide Syntheses by Optosensor Monitoring and Comparison of Different Solid Supports, Minerva Biotec. 5 , 162-165 (1993).

90. T.H.Al-Tel, Y.Al-Abed, M.S.Shekhani and W.Voelter, Expeditious Entries to Chiral Furanoids via Pyranose Annulation, Tetrahedron Lett. 34 , 7717-7720 (1993).

91. Y.Al-Abed, T.H.Al-Tel and W.Voelter, Stereoselective Synthesis of b -Oxy- and a -Methylene- g -Butyrolactones on Pyranose Templates, Tetrahedron 49 , 9295-9306 (1993).

92. D.Heintz, A.Reichert, M.Mihelic, W.Voelter and H.Faulstich, Use of Bimanyl Actin Derivative (TMB-Actin) for Studying Complexation of b -Thymosins, Inhibition of Actin Polymerization by Thymosin b FEBS Letters 329 , 9-12 (1993).

93. A.A.Haritos and W.Voelter, Biological and Clinical Evaluation of Thymosins (Stage II), Bilateral Cooperation in Biotechnology, International Bureau, Forschungszentrum Jülich 101 , 1-4 (1993).

94. O.E.Tsitsiloni, J.Stiakakis, A.Koutselinis, J.Gogas, C. Mar-kopoulos, P.Yialouris, S.Bekris, D.Panoussopoulos, V.Kiortsis, W.Voelter and A.A.Haritos, Expression of a -Thymosins in Human Tissues in Normal and Abnormal Growth, Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 90 , 9504-9507 (1993).

95. J.Bernhagen, T.Calandra, R.A.Mitchell, S.B.Martin, K.J.Tracey, W.Voelter, K.R.Manogue, A.Cerami and R.Bucala, MIF Is a Pituitary-Derived Cytokine that Potentiates Lethal Endotoxaemia, Nature 365 , 756-759 (1993).

96. K.-J.Rieger, N.Saez-Servent, M.-P.Papet, J.Wdzieczak-Bakala, J.-L.Morgat, J.Thierry, W.Voelter and M.Lenfant, Involvement of Human Plasma Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme in the Degradation of the Haemoregulatory Peptide N-Acetyl-Seryl-Aspartyl-Lysyl-Proline, Biochem.J. 296 , 373-378 (1993).

97. W.Voelter und H.Kalbacher, Untersuchungen mit selektiven Abspaltungsreagenzien für ADPOC-geschützte Aminosäuren und Peptide, Liebigs. Ann. Chem. 1993 , 131-136.

98. S.Hörger, B.Gallert, J.Kellermann and W.Voelter, Isolation and Structural Identification of b -Thymosins from Equine Tissue: Development of a Specific ELISA against Thymosin b (T b in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.749-750, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

99. W.Voelter, New Outlooks in Thymosin Research, in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.103-104, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

100. H.Echner, P.Yialouris, A.A.Haritos, G.Grübler and W.Voelter, Structures and Syntheses of Thymosin b and b in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.751-752, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

101. S.Stoeva, G.Grübler, S.Hörger, A.Keen and W. Voelter, Application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Mass Spectroscopy in Peptide Sequencing and Synthesis, in C.H.Schneider and A.N.Eberle (Eds): Peptides 1992, p.445-446, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1993).

102. A.H.Entenmann, T.H.Lippert und W.Voelter, Allgemeines über Chemie, Biologie und Physiologie von Relaxin, in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.1-43, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

103. T.H.Lippert, S.Bongers-Binder, A.Burgardt, H.Seeger und W.Voelter, Nachweis von immunreaktivem Relaxin im Genitaltrakt und in der Mamma nichtschwangerer Frauen in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.73-78, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

104. A.H.Entenmann, T.H.Lippert und W.Voelter, Menschliches Relaxin aus der Plazenta: Isolierung und biologische Aktivität im Vergleich zu Schweinerelaxin, in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.79-95, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

105. G.Schieferstein, H.Seeger, W.Voelter und T.H.Lippert, Relaxin im Seminalplasma des Mannes, in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.97-101, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

106. A.Burgardt, W.Voelter und T.H.Lippert, Die immunologische und biologische Aktivität von Extrakten aus menschlicher Samenflüssigkeit im Vergleich zu Schweinerelaxin, in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.103-111, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

107. H.Seeger, U.Fuchs, W.Voelter und T.H.Lippert, Relaxin im Zervixvaginalsekret, in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.113-116, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

108. H.Seeger, T.H.Lippert und W.Voelter, Relaxin und HCG-Spiegel im Blut bei normaler und pathologischer Schwangerschaft im ersten Trimenon, in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.127-131, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

109. A.H.Entenmann, H.Seeger, R.Wischert, T.H.Lippert und W.Voelter, Relaxinmangel der Plazenta als mögliche Ursache einer zervikalen Dystokie, in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.133-140, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

110. S.G.Mittmann, T.H.Lippert und W.Voelter, Über die uterusrelaxierenden Eigenschaften von Ubiquitin und Relaxin, in T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter (Hrsg.): Relaxin, Das wiederentdeckte Hormon, S.141-145, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1993).

111. W.Voelter, A.Malik, F.Uz-Zaman, A.Fatima, J.Tschakert, F.L.Ansari, N.Naz and Y.Al-Abed, Epoxy Sugars and Unsaturated Sugars as Intermediates in Carbohydrate Syntheses, Trends in Organic Chemistry 4 , p.741-772 (1993).

111.a)S.Stoeva, G.Grübler, H.Echner, W.Rönspeck and W.Voelter, HIV-Transmembrane Glycoprotein gp41 Env Fragments with High Antigenicity and their Application to Determine HIV-Positive Sera, in Z.H.Zaidi, A.Abbasi and D.L.Smith (Eds): Protein Structure-Function Relationship, p.299-305, Twel Publishers, Karachi (1993).

111.b)S.Stoeva, S.Hörger, J.Tschakert and W.Voelter, Isolation and Characterization of a New b -Thymosin from Sea Urchin by Edman Degradation and Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry, in D.Brandenburg, V.Ivanov and W.Voelter (Eds): Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins, Vols 5/6, Part A, p.337-344, DWI Reports, Aachen (1993).

111.c)M.Mihelic, M.Huguet and W.Voelter, Development of Specific Immunoassays for b -Thymosins, in D.Brandenburg, V.Ivanov and W.Voelter (Eds): Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins, Vols 5/6, Part B, p.883-891, DWI Reports, Aachen (1993).

111.d)A.Ulubelen, A.H.Mericli, R.Ilarslan and W.Voelter, Diterpene Alkaloids from Delphinium Fissum Subsp. Anatolicum Phytochemistry 34 , 1165-1167 (1993)

111.e)T.H.Lippert, H.Struck und W.Voelter, Relaxin das wiederentdeckte Hormon, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1993).

111.f)D.Brandenburg, V.Ivanov and W.Voelter, Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins, Volume 5, Verlag Mainz, Aachen (1993).

111.g) D.Brandenburg, V.Ivanov and W.Voelter, Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins, Volume 6, Verlag Mainz, Aachen (1993).


112. W.Voelter, S.Stoeva, T.Kaiser, G.Grübler, M.Mihelic, H.Echner, A.A.Haritos, H.Seeger and T.H.Lippert, Design and Development of Synthetic Peptide Antigens, Pure & Appl.Chem. 66 2015-2022 (1994).

113. S.Becker, F.P.Armbruster, B.Müller, H.Echner, A.Kapurniotu, E.Livaniou, M.Mihelic, S.Stoeva and W.Voelter, Theoretical and Experimental Epitope Mapping of Thymosin b J.Immunol.Methods 177 , 131-137 (1994).

114. M.Hasan, N.Rashid, W.Voelter, G.Snatzke and H.Duddek, Synthesis and CD Spectral Studies of Some Fused Cholestenopyrimidines, Pure & Appl.Chem. 66 , 2057-2062 (1994).

115. D.Heintz, A.Reichert, M.Mihelic-Rapp, S.Stoeva, W.Voelter and H.Faulstich, The Sulfoxide of Thymosin b Almost Lacks the Polymerization-Inhibiting Capacity for Actin, Eur.J.Biochem. 223 , 345-350 (1994).

116. J.Bernhagen, R.A.Mitchell, T.Calandra, W.Voelter, A.Cerami and R.Bucala, Purification, Bioactivity, and Secondary Structure Analysis of Mouse and Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF), Biochemistry 33 , 14144-14155 (1994).

117. J.Bernhagen, T.Calandra, R.A.Mitchell, W.Voelter, A.Cerami and R.Bucala, Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Is a Cytokine Secreted by the Pituitary After Endotoxin Stimulation, in Freund, Link, Schmidt and Welte (Eds): Cytokines in Hemopoiesis, Oncology, and Immunology III, p.557-565, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg (1994).

118. T.H.Al-Tel, Y.Al-Abed and W.Voelter, A Facile Approach to Polysubstituted Chiral Dihydrofurans on Carbohydrate Templates, J.Chem.Soc.Chem.Commun. 1994 , 1735-1736.

119. Y.Al-Abed, T.H.Al-Tel and W.Voelter, Synthesis of Chiral b -Oxy- g -Lactones on Sugar Templates: Influence of the Substituents Around C-6 on the Conformation of the Pyranose Ring, Nat.Prod.Lett. 4 , 73-78 (1994).

120. Y.Al-Abed, T.H.Al-Tel, M.S.Shekhani and W.Voelter, Chiral d -Lactones via Pyranose-Annulation, Nat.Prod.Lett. 4 , 273-277 (1994).

121. F.Zaman, A.Fatima, A.Malik and W.Voelter, A Novel Entry into Cyclopropanated Sugar Amino Acids, Z.Naturforsch. 49b 1434-1438 (1994).

122. O.E.Tsitsiloni, E.Heimer, A.Felix, P.P.Yialouris, J.Vamvoukakis, W.Voelter, A.A.Haritos, Radioimmunoassays for the C-Terminus of Prothymosin a and the N-Terminus of Prothymosin a for the Measurement of the Levels of a -Thymosins in Human Cancer, J.Immunol.Methods 169 , 163-171 (1994).

123. N.Naz, T.H.Al-Tel, Y.Al-Abed and W.Voelter, Synthesis of Polyfunctionalized Bis-Annulated Pyranosides: Useful Intermediates for Triquinane Synthesis, Tetrahedron Lett. 35 , 8581-8582 (1994).

124. S.N.Kazmi, Z.Ahmed, A.Malik, N.Afza and W.Voelter, A Regioselective One Pot Synthesis and Synthetic Applications of Cyanodeoxy Sugars by Cyanotrimethylsilane, Z.Naturforsch. 50b 294-302 (1994).

125. W.Voelter, H.Echner, G.Grübler, S.Stoeva, C.Schröder and A.A.Haritos, Flexibility of the ECOSYN P Synthesizer; Development of Up-Scale and Low-Scale Equipment, in R.Epton (Ed.): Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis: Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Biological and Biomedical Applications -, p.183-186, Mayflower Worldwide Limited, Birmingham (1994).

126. G.Grübler, H.Zimmermann, W.Reinig, R.Kern and W.Voelter, The ECOSYN D 100, an Economic Oligonucleotide Synthesizer, in R.Epton (Ed.): Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis: Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Biological and Biomedical Applications -, p.187-190, Mayflower Worldwide Limited, Birmingham (1994).

127. G.Grübler, H.Straubinger, W.Reinig, H.Echner, M.Geiger and W.Voelter, Optimized Solid Phase Synthesis of Oligonucleotides Using Polyethylene Glycol/Polystyrene Copolymers, in R.Epton (Ed.): Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis: Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Biological and Biomedical Applications -, p.191-196, Mayflower Worldwide Limited, Birmingham (1994).

128. H.Echner and W.Voelter, Synthesis of Thymosin b 14 Using Fmoc Amino Acid Fluorides, in R.Epton (Ed.): Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis: Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Biological and Biomedical Applications -, p.497-500, Mayflower Worldwide Limited, Birmingham (1994).

129. G.Grübler, H.Zimmermann, H.Echner, S.Stoeva, E.Bernardi, B.Pourrias and W.Voelter, Solid Phase Synthesis (SPPS) of a C-Terminal Proline Peptide Using an Anchor System Suppressing Diketopiperazine (DKP) Formation, in R.Epton (Ed.): Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis: Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Biological and Biomedical Applications -, p.517-520, Mayflower Worldwide Limited, Birmingham (1994).

130. C.Schröder, H.Echner, K.Schmer and W.Voelter, Comparative Studies on the Synthesis of Human Lung Surfactant Peptide SP-C, in R.Epton (Ed.): Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis: Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Biological and Biomedical Applications -, p.677-680, Mayflower Worldwide Limited, Birmingham (1994).

131. S.S.Ali, H.Echner, K.M.Khan, C.Schröder, M.Hasan, Atta-ur-Rahman and W.Voelter, Factors Influencing the Acid Lability of Substituted Arylsulphonyl Arginine Protecting Groups, Z.Naturforsch. 49b , 1425-1433 (1994).

132. A.Pedyczak, E.Bolewska-Pedyczak, W.Voelter and I.Z.Siemion, Studies on the Conformation of Proline Containing Analogues of Thymopentin, Polish J.Chem. 68 , 1123-1135 (1994).

133. C.Somlai, L.Nyerges, B.Penke, P.Hegyes and W.Voelter, Design, Synthesis and Potential Use of 3,9-Substituted Xanthene Handles for Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis, J.prakt.Chem. 336 (1994).

134.a) Y.Al-Abed, T.Al-Tel, C.Schröder und W.Voelter, Enoltriflatpyranosen, vielseitige Reagentien zum Aufbau konjugierter Systeme in Pyranosen, Angew. Chem. 106 , 1568-1570 (1994).

135.b) Y.Al-Abed, T.Al-Tel, C.Schröder and W.Voelter, Enol Triflate, Pyranoses, Versatile Reagents for the Formation of Conjugated Systems on Pyranoses, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 33 1499-1501 (1994).

136. J.Tschakert and W.Voelter, Solid Phase Synthesis of Muramyl Dipeptides and Analogues, in R.S.Hodges and J.A.Smith (Eds):Peptides 1993, p.341-343, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1994).

137. M.Mihelic and W.Voelter, Distribution and Biological Activity of b -Thymosins, Amino Acids 6 , 1-13 (1994).

138. J.Tschakert und W.Voelter, Festphasensynthese von Muramyldipeptidderivaten und Untersuchung ihrer biologischen Aktivität, Z. Naturforsch. 49b , 702-716 (1994).


140. S.Stoeva, G.Grübler, H.Echner, W.Rönspeck and W.Voelter, HIV-Transmembrane Glycoprotein GP41 ENV Fragments with High Antigenicity and their Application to Determine HIV-Positive Sera, Pure & Appl. Chem. 66 , 101-104 (1994).

141. W.Voelter, G.Grübler, H.Straubinger, H. Zimmermann, S.Stoeva, H.Echner, T.Kaiser und G.Paulus, Kapillarelektrophorese in der biochemischen Forschung, LABO 1994 , 1-7.

142. H.Thøgersen, P.Faarup, N.L.Johansen, B.F.Lundt, K.Madsen, J.U.Weis, H.Echner and W.Voelter, Highly Active Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF) Analogues, Lacking the Exocyclic N- and C-Termini, in R.S.Hodges and J.A.Smith (Eds): Peptides, p.459-460, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1994).

143. J.Shao and W.Voelter, A Dilute TFA-Labile Resin Linkage for the Fmoc Solid Phase Synthesis of Protected Peptide Amides, in R.S.Hodges and J.A.Smith (Eds): Peptides, p.149-150, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1994).

144. T.Kaiser, S.Stoeva, G.Grübler, H.Echner, A.Haritos and W.Voelter, Purity Control and Sample Identification of Synthetic Peptides by Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), in R.S.Hodges and J.A.Smith (Eds): Peptides, p.244-246, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1994).

145. W.Voelter, Ch.Schröder, H.Echner, A.Günther and W.Seeger, Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis and Biophysical Activity of Human Lung Surfactant Peptide SP-C and its N-Terminal Fragments, in E.Wünsch (Ed.): Proceedings of the 5th Akabori Conference, p.164-168, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Martinsried (1994).

146. S.Stoeva, G.Grübler, S.Hörger, A.Keen and W.Voelter, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry of Enzymatic Digests of Peptides and Proteins, in R.S.Hodges and J.A.Smith (Eds): Peptides, p.262-264, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1994).

147. G.Grübler, S.Stoeva, H.Echner and W.Voelter, A Convenient, Straightforward Solid Phase Synthesis of g -Endorphin on Polystyrene Matrix, Grafted with Polyoxyethylene Spacer Arms, Using Fmoc Amino Acid N-Carboxy Anhydrides, in R.S.Hodges and J.A.Smith (Eds): Peptides, p.51-53, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1994).


148. T.H.Al-Tel and W.Voelter, Efficient Access to Polyfunctionalized and Polycyclic Furanoids: Control of the Off-Template Centre via Acid Catalysis, J.Chem.Soc.Chem.Commun. 1995 , 239-240.

149. T.H.Al-Tel and W.Voelter, Carbohydrates to Carbocycles: Syntheses of Polysubstituted Chiral Furanoids via Oxirane Ring Opening, Tetrahedron Lett. 36 , 523-524 (1995).

150. S.S.Ali, K.M.Khan, H.Echner, W.Voelter, M.Hasan and Atta-ur-Rahman, Two New Protecting Groups for the Guanidino Function of Arginine, J.prakt.Chem. 337 , 12-17 (1995).

151. H.Zhang, Y.Wang and W.Voelter, A New Strategy for the Synthesis of the Nephritogenoside Trisaccharide Unit Using Phenylsulfenyl Donors, Tetrahedron Lett. 36 , 1243-1246 (1995).

152. Z.Shah, M.Geiger, Y.Al-Abed, T.H.Al-Tel and W.Voelter, Circular Dichroism of Carbohydrate-Molybdate Complexes, in Atta-ur-Rahman (Ed.): Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 15 p.423-438, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1995).

153. T.H.Al-Tel, M. Meisenbach und W.Voelter, Eine neue Synthesestrategie zur Darstellung chiraler, polysubstituierter, an Pyranosen anellierter Tetrahydrofurane, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 1995 689-695.

154. C.Schröder, A.Günther, W.Seeger and W.Voelter, Synthesis and Studies on the Biophysical Activity of Human Lung Surfactant Peptide SP-C and its N-Terminal Fragments, Biomed. Peptides, Proteins & Nucleic Acids 1 , 13-16, (1995).

155. R.Lehmann, H.Liebich, G.Grübler and W.Voelter, Capillary Electrophoresis of Human Serum Proteins and Apolipoproteins, Electrophoresis 16 , 998-1001 (1995).

156. S.Stoeva, R.Rachev, S.Severov, W.Voelter and N.Genov, Carbohydrate Content and Monosaccharide Composition of Rapana Thomasiana grosse (Gastropoda) Hemocyanin and its Structural Subunits. Comparison with Gastropodan Hemocyanins, Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 110B 761-765 (1995).

157. T.Kaiser, J.Bernhagen, R.Bucala, G.Paulus and W.Voelter, Different Approaches for Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis of Mouse Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor, in H.L.S.Maia (Ed.): Peptides 1994, p.853-854, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1995).

158. J.Bernhagen, A.Kapurniotu, S.Stoeva, W.Voelter and R.Bucala, Conformational and Disulfide Bond Analysis of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF), in H.L.S.Maia (Ed.): Peptides 1994, p.572-573, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1995).

159. G.Grübler, H.Zimmermann, S.Stoeva, K.Pfeiffer, K.Baldes and W.Voelter, Ion-Exchange Chromatographic Determination of Selenomethionine, in H.L.S.Maia (Ed.): Peptides 1994, p.410-411, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1995).

160. M.Huguet, S.Stoeva, C.Decker, S.Wilhelm, T.Stiefel, G.Paulus and W.Voelter, Amino Acid Sequence of the A-Chain of the Mistletoe Lectin I, in H.L.S.Maia (Ed.): Peptides 1994, p.737-738, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1995).

161. S.Becker, F.P.Armbruster, H.Echner, A.Kapurniotu, E.Livaniou, M.Mihelic, S.Stoeva, G.Paulus and W.Voelter, Affinity Studies of Polyclonal Antibodies against Thymosin b and its N-Terminal Fragment by Epitope Mapping Experiments, in H.L.S.Maia (Ed.): Peptides 1994, p.831-832, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1995).

162. H.Echner and W.Voelter, Application of the 10,11-Dihydro-5 H -dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5-yl (5 H -Dibenzo-suberyl, Sub) and 5 H -Dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5-yl (5 H -Dibenzosuberenyl, Dbs) Groups for Thiol Protection in Fmoc Solid Phase Peptide Chemistry, in H.L.S.Maia (Ed.): Peptides 1994, p.157-158, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1995).

163. M.Meisenbach, G.Grübler, G.Paulus and W.Voelter, Comparison of Different Substituted 4-Benzyloxytritylamine Linkers for Solid Phase Synthesis of Peptide Amides, in H.L.S.Maia (Ed.): Peptides 1994, p.265-266, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1995).

164. S.Stoeva, G.Grübler and W.Voelter, Actin-Binding Motif of b -Thymosins, in H.L.S.Maia (Ed.): Peptides 1994, p.601-602, ESCOM Science Publishers B.V., Leiden (1995).

165. T.H.Al-Tel, R.A.Al-Qawasmeh, T.Kaiser and W.Voelter, A New Strategy for Carbohydrate-Based Syntheses of Oxaspiro-Multichiral Systems: An Alternative Route to Pyranosidic Homologation, Tetrahedron Lett. 36 , 4599-4600 (1995).

166. M.Hasan, N.Rashid, K.M.Khan, G.Snatzke, H.Duddeck and W.Voelter, Syntheses and CD Studies of 5 a -Cholesteno[3,2- d ]-,-[2,3- d ]-and-[3,4- d ]pyrimidines, Liebigs Ann. 1995 , 889-896.

167. F.Malik, M.Hasan, K.M.Khan, S.Perveen, G.Snatzke, H.Duddeck and W.Voelter, Syntheses and CD Studies of Optically Active Substituted 1,3,4,5-Tetrahydro-2 H -1,5-benzodiazepin-2-ones, Liebigs Ann. 1995 , 1861-1869.

168. M.Hasan, N.Rashid, K.M.Khan, S.Perveen, G.Snatzke, H.Duddeck and W.Voelter, Syntheses and CD Studies of New Cholesteno[4,3- d ]-and -[7,6- d ]pyrimidines, Liebigs Ann. 1995 , 1871-1876.

169. M.H.Abu Zarga, T.H.Al-Tel and W.Voelter, Synthesis of 3-Amino-3-deoxy Sugars through Intramolecular Carbamate Cyclizations on a Neighbouring Oxirane Ring, Z.Naturforsch. 50b , 697-698 (1995).

170. P.Krämer, U.Wincierz, G.Grübler, J.Tschakert, W. Voelter and H.Mayer, Rational Approach to Fractionation, Isolation, and Characterization of Polysaccharides from the Lichen Cetraria islandica , Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Research 45 , 726-731 (1995).

171. Y.Wang, H.Zhang and W.Voelter, Block Synthesis of Oligosaccharides under Mild Conditions, Z.Naturforsch. 50b (1995).

172. Z.Shah, M.Geiger, Y.Al-Abed, T.H.Al-Tel and W.Voelter, Circular Dichroism of Carbohydrate-Molybdate Complexes, in Atta-ur-Rahman (Ed.): Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 15 p. 423-438, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam (1995).

173. T.H.Al-Tel, R.A.Al-Qawasmeh, C.Schröder and W.Voelter, An Efficient Route to Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of 3-Amino-3-deoxy Sugars, Tetrahedron 51 , 3141-3148 (1995).

174. M.H.Abu Zarga, R.A.Al-Qawasmeh, S.S.Sabri, T.H.Al-Tel and W.Voelter, New Colchicine and Homoaporphine- N -oxide Alkaloids from Colchicum Ritchii : The First Homoaporphine- N -oxide Found in Nature, Z.Naturforsch. 50b , 1424-1427 (1995).

175. Y.Wang, H.Zang and W.Voelter, A New Base-Labile Anchoring Group for Polymer-Supported Oligosaccharide Synthesis, Chem. Lett. 1995 , 273-274.

176. H.M.Liebich, R.Lehmann, A.E.Weiler, G.Grübler and W.Voelter, Capillary Electrophoresis, a Rapid and Sensitive Method for Routine Analysis of Apolipoprotein A-I in Clinical Samples, J.Chromatography A 717 , 25-31 (1995).


178. K.M.Kahn, F.Malik, M.Hasan, S.Perveen, G.Snatzke and W.Voelter, Circular Dichroism Studies on Chiral 1,3,4,5-Tetrahydro-2 H -1,5-benzodiazepin-2-ones, Z.Naturforsch. 50 , 1869-1882 (1995).

179. E.O.Tsitsilonis, E.Trichopoulou, A.Roumeliotou, W.Voelter and G.Papaevangelou, Study of a -Thymosins in AIDS, Hellenic Archives of AIDS 3 ,380-386 (1995).

180. T.Stiefel und W.Voelter, Biotechnische Gewinnung von Mistellektin I, in G.Becher und W.Wascher (Hrsg.), Perspektiven der Biotechnologie, S.60-62, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena (1995).

181. W.Voelter, Neue Kooperationsformen in der Biotechnologie am Standort Deutschland, in G.Becher und W.Wascher (Hrsg.), Perspektiven der Biotechnologie: Mittelständische Unternehmen am Standort Deutschland, S.95-98, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena (1995).

182. R.Lehmann, G.Grübler, W.Voelter and H.Liebich, Capillary Electrophoresis, a Competitor for Routine Serum Electrophoresis, Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 107 , Suppl. 199, 8 (1995).

183. R.Ficker, W.Hiller, S.Krauß and W.Voelter, Crystal Structure of 1-(1-Adamantyl)-1-methylethoxycarbonyl-L-proline, C 19 H 29 NO 4 , Z. f.Kristallogr. 210 960 (1995).

184. M.Huguet, S.Stoeva, C.Decker, S.Wilhelm, H.Mayer, T.Stiefel, G.Paulus und W.Voelter, Isolierung und Aufklärung der Primärstruktur der A- und B-Kette von Mistellektin-1, Z.f.Phytotherapie, A , 23 (1995).

185. K.Idakieva, S.Stoeva, W.Voelter and N.Genov, Functional Unit of the Rapana thomasiana (Grosse)(Marine Snail, Gastropod) Hemocyanin, Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 112B , 599-606 (1995).

186. H.Zhang, Y.Wang and W.Voelter, A New and Efficient Approach for the Synthesis of Peptides Containing Aspartylglycyl Sequences, Chem.Lett., 1111-1112 (1995).

187.a) S.Stoeva, P.Dolashka, B.Bankov, W.Voelter, B.Salvato and N.Genov, Spectroscopic Properties of Callinectes sapidus Hemocyanin Subunits, Spectrochim. Acta A, 1965-1974 (1995).

187.b) W.Voelter, A.Kapurniotu, M.Mihelic, B.Gurvits, G.Abrahamian and A.Galoyan, The Interaction of (1-4)-Fragment of Thymosin b with Calmodulin-Sensitive cAMP Phosphodiesterase from Hypothalamus, Neurochemical Research 20 , 55-59 (1995).

187.c) H.Zhang, Y.Wang and W.Voelter, A New Strategy for the Synthesis of Asp-Gly Units-Containing Glycopeptides Using Fmoc/Bzl Protection, Tetrahedron Lett. 36 , 8767-8770 (1995).


188. W.Voelter, K.M.Kahn and M.S.Shekhani, Anhydro Sugars, Valuable Intermediates in Carbohydrate Syntheses, Pure&Appl.Chem. 68 1347-1353 (1996).

189. K.M.Kahn, F.Malik, M.Hasan, S.Perveen, J.Frelek, G.Snatzke and W.Voelter, Circular Dichroism Studies on New Optically Active 1,5-Benzodiazepine Derivatives, Z.Naturforsch. 51 (1996).

190. A.Reichert, D.Heintz, H.Echner, W.Voelter and H.Faulstich, The Ternary Complex of DNase I, Actin and Thymosin b FEBS Lett. 387 , 132-136 (1996).

191.a) Y.Al-Abed, N.Naz, K.M.Kahn und W.Voelter, Pyridinium-Ionen in Nachbarschaft zu Oxiranringen: nützliche Zwischenstufen zur stereospezifischen Synthese von b -Hydroxyketonen, Angew.Chem. 108 , 581-582 (1996).

191.b) Y.Al-Abed, N.Naz, K.M.Kahn and W.Voelter, Pyridinium Ions Adjacent to Oxirane Rings: Useful Intermediates for the Stereospecific Synthesis of b -Hydroxy Ketones, Angew.Chem.Int.Ed. 35 , 523-524 (1996).

192. M.Huguet, S.Stoeva, C.Decker, S.Wilhelm, T.Stiefel, G.Paulus and W.Voelter, Partial Amino Acid Sequence of the B Chain of the Mistletoe Lectin I, in P.T.P.Kaumaya and R.S.Hodges (Eds.), Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology, p. 458-459, Mayflower Sci.Ltd., Kingswinford (1996).

193. M.Meisenbach, F.P.Armbruster, S.Becker, H.J.Grön, G.Grübler, T.H.Lippert, G.Paulus and W.Voelter, Development and Characterization of Antibodies Specific for Human Relaxin 2 (hRLX-2), in P.T.P.Kaumaya and R.S.Hodges (Eds.), Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology, p. 818-819, Mayflower Sci.Ltd., Kingswinford (1996).

194. T.Kaiser, G.Nicholson and W.Voelter, Epimerization of Cys Residues during Fmoc Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis of Peptide Fragments of Mouse Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor, in P.T.P.Kaumaya and R.S.Hodges (Eds.), Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology, p. 127-128, Mayflower Sci.Ltd., Kingswinford (1996).

195. W.Voelter, H.Echner, S.Stoeva, T.Kaiser, D.Häfner, U.Krüger and E.Sturm, Comparison of Synthetic Amphipathic Peptides with Recombinant Human SP-C in their Ability to Promote the Activity of Artificial Lung Surfactants, in P.T.P.Kaumaya and R.S.Hodges (Eds.), Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology, p. 178-179, Mayflower Sci.Ltd., Kingswinford (1996).

196. T.H.Lippert, F.P.Armbruster, H.Seeger, A.O.Mueck, M.Zwirner and W.Voelter, Urinary Excretion of Relaxin after Estradiol Treatment of Postmenopausal Women, Clin.Exp.Obst.Gyn. 23 65-69 (1996).

197. M.Koch, R.Lehmann, M.Pfohl, W.Voelter and H.Liebich, Analysis of the Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism of the Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme Gene by Capillary Electrophoresis, Clinica Chimica Acta 248 , 197-203 (1996).

198. A.Weiler, S.Stoeva, R.Lehmann, G.Grübler, G.Paulus and W.Voelter, Characterization of Natural Peptides from Bovine Tissue Using Capillary Electrophoresis, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization, and Edman Degradation, Electrophoresis 17 , 518-522 (1996).

199. N.Naz, T.H.Al-Tel, Y.Al-Abed, W.Voelter, R.Ficker and W.Hiller, Palladium-Cobalt-Mediated Double Annulation Process: A New Strategy to Chiral and Polysubstituted Bis-Cyclopentanoids on Carbohydrate Precursors, J.Org.Chem. 61 , 3250-3255 (1996).

200. F.Malik, M.Hasan, K.M.Kahn, S.Perveen, G.Snatzke, H.Duddeck and W.Voelter, Syntheses and CD Studies of New Optically Active Substituted 1,5-Benzodiazepine Derivatives, Liebigs Ann.Chem. 127-134 (1996).

201. Y.Al-Abed, H.Liebich, W.Voelter and R.Bucala, Hydroxyalkenal Formation Induced by Advanced Glycosylation of Low Density Lipoprotein, J.Biol.Chem. 271 , 2892-2896 (1996).

202. T.H.Al-Tel, R.Thürmer, R.A.Al-Qawashmeh und W.Voelter, Synthese multifunktioneller polycyclischer chiraler Furanoide durch Pyranoseanellierungen, J.prakt.Chem. 338 , 320-326 (1996).

203. R.Lehmann, M.Koch, M.Pfohl, W.Voelter, H.-U.Häring and H.M.Liebich, Screening and Identification of Familial Defective Apolipoprotein B-100 in Clinical Samples by Capillary Gel Electrophoresis, J.Chromatogr. A, 744, 187-194 (1996).

204. T.Kaiser, G.J.Nicholson, H.J.Kohlbau and W.Voelter, Racemization Studies of Fmoc-Cys(Trt)-OH During Stepwise Fmoc-Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis, Tetrahedron Lett. 37 , 1187-1190 (1996).

205.P.Dolashka, N.Genov, K.Parvanova, W.Voelter, M.Geiger and S.Stoeva, Rapana Thomasiana Grosse (Gastropoda) Haemocyanin: Spectroscopic Studies of the Structure in Solution and the Conformational Stability of the Native Protein and its Stuctural Subunits, Biochem.J. 315 , 139-144 (1996).

206. N.Kahn, H.-J.Kohlbau and W.Voelter, Synthesis of Cyclopropanated Dimethyl Mercaptal Sulfoxide Pyranoses from Epoxytriflate Pyranosides and Methyl Methylthiomethyl Sulfoxide, Z.Naturforsch. 51b 1517-1520 (1996).

207. R.Lehmann, H.M.Liebich and W.Voelter, Application of Capillary Electrophoresis in Clinical Chemistry - Developments from Preliminary Trials to Routine Analysis, J.Capillary Electrophoresis 3 , 89-110 (1996).

208. F.P.Armbruster, S.Becker, H.J.Grön, M.Meisenbach, T.H.Lippert und W.Voelter, Entwicklung eines homologen Immunoassays für human Relaxin-2, Clin.Lab. 42 , 961-964 (1996).

209. Y.Al-Abed, N.Naz, D.Mootoo and W.Voelter, 4- O -TfO-2,3-anhydro- b -L-ribopyranosides as Chiron: A Formal Synthesis of Canadensolide, Tetrahedron Letters 37 8641-8642 (1996).

210. A.Reichert, D.Heintz, H.Echner, W.Voelter and H.Faulstrich, Identification of Contact Sites in the Actin-Thymosin b 4 Complex by Distance-dependent Thiol Cross-linking, J.Biol.Chem. 271 (1996).

211. M.Huguet Soler, S.Stoeva, C.Schwamborn, S.Wilhelm, T.Stiefel and W.Voelter, Complete Amino Acid Sequence of the A Chain of Mistletoe Lectin I, FEBS Lett. 399 , 153-157 (1996).

212. O.E.Tsitsilonis, S.Vazeou, P.P.Yialouris, J.Vandekerckhove, S.Stoeva, W.Voelter and D.J.Troy, Identification by Sequence Analysis of Some Critical (30kDa) Proteins in Aged Beef, Meat Focus 77-79 (1996).

213. W.Voelter, K.M.Kahn, H.Echner, O.E.Tsitsilonis and S.Stoeva, Immunological Studies on b -Thymosins, in C.H.Schneider (Ed.): Peptides in Immunology, p.165-175, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, New York (1996).

214. N.Kahn, Y.Al-Abed, H.-J.Kohlbau, F.Latif-Ansari, W.Kowollik und W.Voelter, Regio- und Stereoselektive Ringöffnung von Epoxypyranosiden durch Isopropoxytitanreagenzien und SmI 2 : Ein einfacher Zugang zu Ioddesoxyzuckern, Z.Naturforsch. 51 (1996).

214.a) G.Grübler, S.Stoeva, H.Zimmermann, K.Pfeiffer, A.Kant and W.Voelter, Determination of Selenomethionine by Microwave Hydrolysiy and Ion-Exchange Chromatography, in Z.H.Zaidi and D.L.Smith (eds.): Protein Structure - Function Relationship, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Protein Structure - Function - Relationship 1995, Karachi, Pakistan, p.276, Plenum Press, New York (1996).

214.b) S.Stoeva, K.Idakieva, W.Voelter and N.Genov, Isolation, Charakterisation and Amino Acid Sequence of the N-Terminal Functional Unit from the Rapana thomasiana grosse (Marine Snail, Gastropod) Hemocyanin, in Z.H.Zaidi and D.L.Smith (eds.): Protein Structure - Function Relationship, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Protein Structure - Function - Relationship 1995, Karachi, Pakistan, p.237, Plenum Press, New York (1996).

214.c) H.-J. Thierse, W.-G.Friebe, E.Scheuer, W.Voelter and U.Tibes, Evidence for Activation of Cyclooxgenase-1/2 by Endogenous Nitric Oxide in Adjuvant Arthritic Lewis Rats, Plenum Press, New York (1996).


215. J.Frelek, W.Szczepek and W.Voelter, Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Chiral 1,3-Diols by CD Spectroscopy of their [Mo 2 (OAc) 4 ] Compelxes, J.prakt.Chem.Chemikerzeitung 339 , 135-139 (1997).

216. E.Wiest, F.P.Armbruster, E.L.Loeser, H.Seeger, W.Voelter und T.H.Lippert, Relaxin im Fruchtwasser und Serum von Schwangeren, Z.Geburtsh.Neonatol. 201 , 21-25 (1997).

217. T.Kaiser und W.Voelter, Zur Festphasenpeptidsynthese des Makrophagen-migrationshibierenden Faktors der Maus (mMIF): Ein Vergleich verschiedener Syntheseansätze zur Darstellung der schwierigen C -terminalen Sequenz mMIF (93-115), Z.Naturforsch. 52b , 281-295 (1997).

218. Y.Al-Abed and W.Voelter, 2,3-Anhydro Sugars as Chirons: Key Intermediates in the Preparation of a Variety of Chiral Building Blocks, GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, Special Edition April "Prof. Bayer" , 58-61 (1997).

219. S.Stoeva, W.Voelter, N.Genov and P.Dolashka, Domain Structure of the Rapana Thomasiana (Gastropod) Hemocyanin, GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, Special Edition April "Prof. Bayer" , 75-79 (1997).

220. H.M.Liebich, R.Lehmann, C.di Stefano, G.Xu and W.Voelter, Analysis of Modified Nucleosides in Urine as Potential Tumour Markers by HPLC and CE, GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, Special Edition April "Prof. Bayer" , 92-93 (1997).

221. B.Schulz, W.Voelter, S.Stoeva, K.-D.Kohnert, W.Besch, P.C.Schmidt, G.Feldmeier, M.Richter, U.Schulz und D.Göckeritz, Zum Einfluß des Tablettierdrucks auf Insulin, Pharmazie 52 53-57 (1997).

222. S.Stoeva, K.Idakieva, R.Rachev, W.Voelter and N.Genov, Amino-terminal Oxygen-binding Functional Unit of the Rapana thomasiana Grosse (Gastropod) Hemocyanin: Carbohydrate Content, Monosaccharide Composition and Amino Acid Sequence Studies, Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 117B 101-107 (1997).

223. M.M.El-Abadelah, M.Z.Nazer, S.S.Sabri, S.M.Khalil, W.Voelter and M.Geiger, Synthesis and Chiroptical Properties of Some N-(2-Chloro-7-cyclopropyl-4,7-dihydro-4-oxo-thieno[2,3-b]pyridine-5-carbonyl)L- a -Amino Esters, Z.Naturforsch. 52b , 419-426 (1997).

224. R.Stoll, W.Voelter and T.A.Holak, Conformation of Thymosin b 9 in Water/ Fluoroalcohol Solution Determined by NMR Spectroscopy, p.623 (1997).

225. T.Kaiser und W.Voelter, Zur Festphasenpeptidsynthese des Makrophagen-migrationshibierenden Faktors der Maus (mMIF): Darstellung von Peptidfragmenten zur konvergenten Totalsynthese, J.prakt.Chem 339 371-380 (1997).

226. R.Lehmann, M.Koch, W.Voelter, H.U.Häring and H.M.Liebich, Routine Serum Protein Analysis by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis: Clinical Evaluation, Chromatographia 45 , 390-395 (1997).

227. R.Hristova, P.Dolashka, S.Stoeva, W.Voelter, B.Salvato and N.Genov, Spectroscopic Properties and stability of hemocyanins, Spectrochimica 53 , 471-478 (1997).

228. W.Voelter, S.Stoeva, A.Kapurniotu, O.E.Tsitsiloni, H.Echner, G.Grübler, M.Schick and R.Lehmann, Chemical and biological evaluation of b -Thymosins, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Thymus Symposium European Academy, Thymic Peptides in Preclinical and Clinical Medicine p.1-12, W.Zuckerschwerdt Verlag München, Bern, Wien, New York (1997).

229. W.Voelter, J.Schütz, F.P.Armbruster, H.Echner, G.Grübler, A.Kapurniotu, S.Stoeva, O.E.Tsitsilonis, G.Paulus, H.Faulstich, R.Stoll, b -Thymosins, a Wide-Spread Faminly of Oligopeptides with Fundamental Cell Function, GIT 1 , S.48-51 (1997).

230. B.Furman, S.Molotov, R.Thürmer, Z.Kaluza, W.Voelter and M.Chimelewski, Synthesis of a 1-Oxacephem Structurally Related to Clavulanic Acid from D-Glucuronolactone, Tetrahedron 53 (1997).

231. W.Voelter, On the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Prof.Dr.Ernst Bayer, a Brief Overview, GIT Special "Prof.Bayer" 1-4 (1997).

232. M.Meisenbach, H.Echner and W.Voelter, New Methoxy-substituted 9-phenylxanthen-9-ylamine linkers for the solid phase synthesis of protected peptide amides, Chem.Commun. 849-850 (1997).

233. W.Voelter, M.Huguet Soler, S.Stoeva, C.Betzel, S.Eschenburg and R.Krausenhaar, First THree-Dimensional Model Building Study of the A Chain of Misteloe Lectin I, GIT 1 , S.32-34 (1997).

234. G.A.Urbina, W.Voelter, A.Weiler, H.Echner, S.Stoeva, J.P.Schernthaner, W.Reinig, G.Grübler and W.Gross, Optimized Automated Solid Phase Synthesis of Oligonucleotides and Derivatives, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.135-140 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

235. W.Voelter, K.M.Khan, H.Echner, G.Grübler, H.Zimmermann, R.Tsitsiloni and S.Stoeva, The b -Thymosin Story, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.247-252 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

236. H.Echner and W.Voelter, Carboxamide Protection of Asparagine and Glutamine by 10,11-Dihydro-5H-Dibenzo[A,D]cyclohepten-5-yl(sub) and 5H-Dibenzo[A,D]cyclohepten-5-yl(dbs) groups, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.353-358 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

237. W.Henkel, H.Echner, W.Voelter, U.Bahr and T.Vogl, Synthesis of Triple-helical Peptides Incorporating Native Collagen Type II Sequences Using a Continous Flow Synthesizer, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.399-402 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

238. T.Kaiser and W.Voelter, Difficult Peptide Sequences of MMIF in Fmoc-convergent Solide Phase peptide Synthesis, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.431-434 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

239. R.Lehmann, M.Koch, G.Grübler, W.Reinig, H.Zimmermann, W.Gross and Voelter, Optimized Purity Control of Synthetic Oligodeoxyribonucleotides by Capillary Electrophoresis for Clinical PCR Analysis, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.455-458 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

240. M.Meisenbach and W.Voelter, Comparative Studies of Methoxy-Substituted 4-Benzyloxytritylamine Linkers for Solid Phase Synthesis of Protected Peptide Amides, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.473-476 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

241. M.Meisenbach, F.-P.Armbruster, S.Becker, T.H.Lippert, G.Paulus, H.-J.Kohlbau, G.Grübler and W.Voelter, Solide Phase Synthesis of Peptide Fragments of Human Relaxin for the Isolation of Specific Antibodies, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.477-480 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

242. H.Zhang, Y.Wang and W.Voelter, Solide Phase Synthesis of the Fully Protected Nephritogenoside Glycopeptide, in: Roger Epton (ed.), Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libaries 1996, p.573-574 Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, England (1997).

243. A.Weiler, S.Stoeva, O.E.Tsitsilonis and W.Voelter, Prothymosin a Efficient sequence determination by experimental and theoretical electrophoretic support, Electrophoresis 18 , 757-761 (1997).